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last but two days for January to end. Not a single post this year…… thats bad 🙁

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World AIDS Day 2006

First December, as every year govertment agencies, NGOs, private sector etc. will be observing World AIDS Day.

Wonder what does WAD mean to a PLHIV in a remote village of India?

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Before November goes!

Came to my site today, after a long gap. realized i havent posted anything this month. Guess its well in time.. its the last day of the month. so just scribbling some inane things….. just for the heck of it. 🙂

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Flowers and more flowers.

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Lowering the bar of fame

Its interesting to see how easy it is to get media attention these days. With so many news and entertainment channels clamouring for content, its become possible for any kind of news to be aired or printed. Be it the winner or the runners-up of the show ‘Indian Idol’, or contestants of a beauty pagent in Ludhiana, or a boy falling in the hole due to negligence of authorities…. everyone with a pinch of news / sensation value gets their share of ‘fame’. Its like the saying ‘theres time and space for everyone’, coming true.
In this 24X7 world of news channels you dont have to do a satyagrah to get T.V. footage; you just have to drive your car to the Prime Minister’s residence and rest will be taken care by the media. Its a different matter that television channels go overborad by taking a story and clinging on to it till the viewer has learnt it by-heart!
On second thoughts, the viewers get to see what they want to see. so why should anybody be bothered.

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I Wish!

I wish everybody was happy and healthy.

I wish all my loved ones were hale and hearty.

I wish no bad things happened to any of my dear ones.

I wish people were not stubborn

I wish people were reasonable and understanding.

I wish……… (and the list continues)

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I wanted to seek God at the 11th hour but I died at 10.30

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Apt Today…

“There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly”

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I am soon going to use this blog as a resource ‘centre’ for my work related stuff. what all it will contain; the links etc… i am figuring out.

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