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Computer or mobile phone or both!

I got addicted to the world wide web and the mobile phone almost at the same time… I think sometime in 1998. That was the time when i thought chatting, e-mailing and surfing the net, having a mobile phone …. were the coolest thing to do (apart from working in a high profile office:)) . my fling with chatting lasted for about two months!!!; e-mailing became routine thing and surfing need based after six months; the cell phone became a utility item in six months. Maybe, i grew up from a college pass out to a serious professional.
Somewhere between 1999 and now my awareness of the comp or mobile tech. stagnated. My computer usage is limited to word and powerpoint (still it is the same) so other features never grew up on me. I hear the mobiles have evolved to do the exact same work a computer can do and vice-versa. But if i have to make a choice between using the comp and cell-phone interchangeably versus using them in the same manner as i used them four years back……. what will i choose??? Well, I think i still want to keep the two devices separate. To my mind, a parallel can be drawn (loosely) between the comp-mobile tech and the movies: earlier the movies had a heroine (to do the melodrama bit, sing soulful songs and be virtuous and righteous kinds) and a vamp (to do item numbers, wear ‘western’ clothes do the scheming with the goons etc….) but in the movies these days the heroine and vamp is rolled into one (gross injustice to both the roles).  I would rather prefer a separate computer and a separate mobile phone than everything rolled into one!

Posted in Personal.

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