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Name a problem- google will find a solution

My almost two year old bumped her head against a table. After attending to her, I immediately got on to the all knowing Google almighty, typed in my concern “my two year old bumped her head…” before I could complete the sentence there was a long list of “bumps and bruises” to kids of various age groups to choose from. I selected the one I was interested in and BINGO! on my computer screen there were so many links to choose from…. I immersed myself into the on-screen gyan and almost forgot to call up and consult my sister- my usual helpline in such instances. There are umpteen inspirational sites, blogs, books all around. You google a problem and the solution surfaces in just seconds. It’s you who has to skim, dive or surf through to find the most suitable solution. More often than not, the problems are unique, defying the law of probability.
I think there are two sets of people, the ones that complexify and the other that simplify. For the earlier category every problem is so big that no amount of discussion can lead to a satisfactory solution. Guess the search engines thrive on them.

Posted in Personal.

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