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Lowering the bar of fame

Its interesting to see how easy it is to get media attention these days. With so many news and entertainment channels clamouring for content, its become possible for any kind of news to be aired or printed. Be it the winner or the runners-up of the show ‘Indian Idol’, or contestants of a beauty pagent in Ludhiana, or a boy falling in the hole due to negligence of authorities…. everyone with a pinch of news / sensation value gets their share of ‘fame’. Its like the saying ‘theres time and space for everyone’, coming true.
In this 24X7 world of news channels you dont have to do a satyagrah to get T.V. footage; you just have to drive your car to the Prime Minister’s residence and rest will be taken care by the media. Its a different matter that television channels go overborad by taking a story and clinging on to it till the viewer has learnt it by-heart!
On second thoughts, the viewers get to see what they want to see. so why should anybody be bothered.

Posted in Personal.

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